Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for Mining of Dolomite & Installation of Aggregate Processing Plant Project Muzaffarabad

Narrative Description of Project: 5 Star Stone Crusher intends installation of aggregate Processing Plant and to start operation of mining dolomite deposits Borbala – Seri Dara area, Tehsil & District Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir. The purpose of the project is to provide dolomite aggregate to the construction industry of district Muzaffarabad to meet their needs at an affordable price.  5 Star Stone Crusher, has been awarded a mining Permit of 150.14 acres, near Borebala in Seri Dara area for mining of Dolomite.

Location : Bore Bala – Seri Dara area, Tehsil & District Muzaffarabad, AJK

Name of Client: 5 Star Stone Crusher

Year: 2017

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved :

  • Engr. Saadat Ali, Environmental Engineer and Team Leader
  • Engr. Ali Abduallh, Enviro-Civil Engineer
  • Engr. M. Wajahat Saeed, Environmental Engineer
  • Mr. Massab Sayed, Environmental Scientist

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

The services included:

  • Collected Baseline (Physical, Biological and Socio-economic) of the project area
  • Identified and assessed of all major and minor impacts during Pre- construction, Construction and Operation phases of the Project;
  • Identified all significant impacts that may require detailed assessment;
  • Proposed mitigation measures to minimize, eliminate or to compensate the potential adverse impacts identified.
  • Prepared Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan
  • Prepared Plantation Plan.
  • Prepared Initial Environmental Examination Report of the project


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